We host regular events, workshops and training for young people. You can register here for our latest events.
We're inviting all individual and organisational members to join the AYAC Annual General Meeting online on Thursday 6 March 2025 from 4:45pm–5:45PM AEDT.
Join us to learn about our work over the past year, hear from AYAC’s CEO, Joanna Rostami, and witness the election of our new board members.
All members can register now to attend the AYAC Annual General Meeting.
If you would like to send a proxy, please complete a proxy form by March 3 2025.
For any questions please email info@ayac.org.

National Youth Practitioners’ Network (NYPN) Launch 2024
Join us for the Launch of our National Youth Practitioners’ Network (NYPN) where we will be discussing social cohesion with academics, policy experts, practitioners and young people.
Date: Wednesday 30 October
Time: 11:00AM-12:30PM (AEST)
Location: Online (free)
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/1043280358637?aff=oddtdtcreator
The National Youth Practitioners’ Network (NYPN) will meet quarterly. Future events will include:
Roundtables with academics, policy experts, practitioners and young people.
Workshops for practitioners on models of practice and emerging issues in the sector.
Its main aim will be to provide more opportunities for networking, learning and collaboration.