Become a Member
We want you to join our mission to ensure young people are respected and have the power to lead change.

Whether you're a young person, an individual or an organisation, the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition is here to support you. Membership is currently free, offering you the opportunity to join a vibrant national community and stay informed about our work and upcoming membership opportunities.
Membership Types
Youth Membership
We welcome all young people who are between 12–25 to join AYAC’s youth membership and become a part of the Youth Brains Trust (see below for more information).
Individual Membership
This is for individuals over the age of 25 who work in the Australian youth work sector, or in another sector connected with young people.
Organisation Membership
This membership is for youth-led organisations, non-profits, companies, research institutions and governments with an interest in young people and youth affairs.
Membership Benefits
As an AYAC member, you will be added to our members-only mailing list, giving you access to a wide range of opportunities. These include participation in AYAC’s events, trainings, and policy briefings, as well as the chance to consult with AYAC’s Youth Brains Trust. Eligible members can also apply to join AYAC’s Board and vote for other members at our Annual General Meetings.
AYAC’s Youth Brains Trust
The Youth Brains Trust (YBT) is a collective of more the 1200 young people from across Australia.
Established in response to increasing demand for greater youth engagement, the YBT enables AYAC to inform young individuals about upcoming opportunities across the nation, and ensures their voices are valued in AYAC’s decision-making processes. If you're a young person aged 12–25 and wish to join the YBT, sign up below for free membership.
Join here
You can apply to become a member of AYAC by filling out our online form (link to form below).